Tautachrome (OTC:TTCM) Gives a Boost to Food Pantries During Development of its Simple Inventory System (SIS) in ARknet 1.2.12
Timely Real-World Testing
ARknet introduces the PantryAlert partnership as an example of how our new Simple Inventory System can be used to solve real-world problems. Food pantries across the country have a universal problem keeping enough inventory of food items on hand at any one time. A pantry may have an abundance of canned green beans for example but no canned tuna. When these gaps occur pantries typically rely on area food banks to purchase the needed food items, or the inventory gap remains.
Using PantryAlert food pantries can view and manage a color-coded simplified food inventory and update their critically needed items list. Donors in the surrounding community have real-time visibility into what is actually needed at the food pantry, greatly improving the relevancy of donations.
"Food pantries are a great real-world example to test out our Simple Inventory System," says Jordan Gray, CIO of Honeycomb Archive, LLC and former board member of one of Ohio's largest food pantries. "It's a formidable chaos-to-order problem as incoming food donations are typically unpredictable. Without a clear communication to the community, you might forever find yourself accepting canned green beans, when you already have an abundance of them on hand," Gray continues.
Dr. Jon Leonard, Tautachrome CEO said today, "ARknet's onboarding of food pantries, starting in Ohio, demonstrates our ability to be strategic, effective and
relevant all at once. It takes a lot of thought to make something that is complex simple. But we are doing just that!" Nationwide, small businesses claiming their geo-listings will also be able to use ARknet's Simple Inventory System in the coming months.