Tautachrome (OTC: TTCM) Announces: 1.) Mass Deployment of 3.5 Million Business ARks Inside the ARknet Augmented Reality Platform and 2.) Public ARk Publishing for Users
Mass Deployment of 3.5 Million Public Business ARks
Development is underway for the deployment of 3.5 million publicly accessible business ARks across the United States. Preparation testing for business listing deployment was completed as part of the recent ARk Hunt 2019 event.
Tautachrome's focus with business listings is to create a viable alternative for local search that takes on the monopoly held by Google. Millions of business geo listings will be preloaded into ARknet and will be searchable by users' in-ARk personal radar system. Business ARks will show users information about retail businesses that are directly around them, setting the stage for interactive AR landscape visualizations. Businesses that claim their listing will be able to activate additional features and capabilities for a nominal fee.
This is a significant ARknet advancement, bringing us another step closer to our goal of gaining market share in local search and retail business services. We will deploy the public business ARks in major markets throughout the United States starting in October and continuing through the fourth quarter of 2019.
Public ARks for ARknet Users
Tautachrome is excited to announce that later this week public ARks will be available for ARknet users. Currently, by default, all content created within ARknet is private or marked as restricted content viewable only by friends. Public ARks will allow users' access to public postings worldwide. This will create a rich and dynamic environment for social media content that users can engage with and share.